These, The statue of the god in the Temple of Saturn had his legs and feet covered with bands of wool which were removed only on December 17th, the day of the. Dont worry, I have had thousands of readers reporting about being undermined, insulted or bypassed by people far less qualified than they this is also Pluto. Its hard to say without seeing a chart here, but it is possible you have Saturn in Leo, or Saturn aspecting your Sun in Leo and so have never wanted children or found them in your life. When Saturn is in a particular sign and house, by transit, we reap what we sow. Leo is the sign we associate with kings. The world of courtship, the bedroom, babies, infants, children and Millennials is unpredictable in a good way, from May 2023 to May 2024. In 2023 people are ready to leave that behind, or even to go back and dig deeply into it for hard answers. You will really notice the improvement from May 2023 and by May 2024 will have found achievement and success flow, naturally and easily. You are on track to find the most meaningful and rewarding sort of work you have done in years, Lynne, and knowing you have a good, strong purpose you love every day will also help, as it is a powerful reason to be fit again. Ill talk more about Pluto at a special event on February 5th and 12th 2023 on Zoom, as a guest of The Astrology Collective. Dont do it. 19/10/1981 16:15 NYC (unrectified; I have reason to think its a couple minutes earlier but never sat down and did the dirty work). Saturn in astrology is very much about karmic returns. I have Saturn in Libra and with this change how it will impact me and my family If you can share your thoughts it would be great !! Its solitary, invisible and insular but also just as important as anything else in your life. January 22 looks particularly significant for me with Chiron. Sex. There are eight parts to a scythe and the ring is the sixth. 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 all saw Saturn in Pisces. WebSPECIES PROTECTION AND CRITICAL HABITATS: Pallid Sturgeons are protected by the Kansas Nongame and Endangered Species Conservation Act, the Federal Endangered Okay, so the Saturn oppositions to your Virgo factors in the Sixth House are really important. The emails, telephone calls, paperwork or plans with friends, in and around your social circle, will be blocked. Hi Jessica, I have just had Saturn pass through my stellium of 8 in Aquarius and am then entering my 2nd Saturn Return as a Capricorn Sun with oppositions to Virgo in Pluto and Uranus. There may be couples counselling and so on. One way around the transit is to indeed use the Tarot and ask how the oppositions are showing up, and how best to deal with them, for everybodys sake, but particularly yours. Saturn changing signs is shackles off, shackles on. and into a time of some boundaries and structure with Saturn moving into my sign. Saturn in Aries in the First House is a symbol of restriction, heavy limitations, barriers and obstacles which surround your appearance, reputation and title. Another sexually transmitted virus. The idea of being cut off is Saturn, in astrology. Have a look at Virgo and Pisces in the online library. It need not mean action over a will, it may simply be what is written down on paper, that has huge impact. I hope you see this example Virgo-Pisces is the body versus God. You went through a test of faith in another life and here you are in 2023, heading towards the next round of the North Node in Pisces and South Node in Virgo, which will trigger that axis in your chart, in a few years from now. The ground is being broken up so new things can grow. He had lost his job in April 2021 due to his mental health condition. Loved reading this article, Jessica! Also use this as an opportunity to support your brothers and sisters who are having a harder time you may be called upon more frequently to walk other people through their own dark nights of the soul. What today, even though it was about faith we would call a super-spreader event. Schools were closed, and exercise regimens were suspended. Your Libran side is triggered, so this is about your Seventh House, where we find marriage, divorce, common-law marriage, separation, professional partnerships and disputes. When people have been single for years, there is always a good reason. It is the ichthys (fish) symbol for Jesus Christ. ACN 644668431. Over the next few years you will have the chance to really look at yourself, and the nature of your purpose in life will become much clearer to you, as Saturn will bring you messages from the other side from whence you came. You will make or save a lot of money May 2023 to May 2024 and that will give you more room to move. You are defensive, protective and often pre-empt possible risks with your social life, Twitter, any clubs, teams, societies, bands and so on. You might also mend past issues with family members or create some healthy boundaries. I have Aquarius rising and its been a rough year socially and with family illness. The latter seems likely given you talk about a ball and chain. Thanks so much always and warmest wishes for 2023!! May 19: New Moon in Taurus. My second saturn return is coming in 2023. Until then take any firm news with a pinch of salt. Pisces is Christianity. I am sorry you have been going through challenges and I am happy to help with your horoscope. How does this happen? Hi Jessica Should by weary based on natal chart of this transition of virgo? Selflessness is an important theme here surrender your own needs to the needs of the whole, and use this as an opportunity to abandon any imbalanced self-centeredness that you see in your life. Its interesting as I feel like Im floundering in what I should do in the next part of my life, meaning, I used to teach elementary school, but took a break from all the stress. Processions and gatherings at churches and mosques spread infection. The Star. His metal is lead and a Saturn transit can feel very heavy, as you remember from last time. Would really appreciate your advice and guidance if you have the time. He is aloof, drifting, in his own world, non-communicative. The new things will be freedom and independence, and it will go on happening for the next four years. Remember when we said Saturn is a disciplinarian and Aquarius is a trailblazer? In 1346, the first year of The Black Death, we saw Saturn move out of Aquarius (groups, friends) and into Pisces (religion, the church). If employers and colleagues do not give you what you want, you may want to give yourself some more choices about how to work, for whom you should work, when, where and so on. Well, imagine these two teaming up. This was the case as a child or teenager when you discovered having a cold meant you were allowed to stay in bed, watch television and avoid particular lessons, teachers or students. Are there dates we shouldnt be signing contracts? If you have any questions about your own Saturn transits, or waht this new ingression means for your own birth chart and life path, I would be happy to discuss it with you in a reading. Yet the Twelfth House rules the subconscious mind, the spirit, soul and psyche so it is often invisible to other people, though I expect it felt quite onerous to you, on your first Saturn Return. You may already have changed your life because of it but you might have to do so again. You can share in the power. You are always shut out of a situation, or shut in by it. Archetypes go back to the Romans, who adapted them from the Greeks, and as archetypes are embedded in the hive mind (and yours and mine) they are also embedded in the language. I know that I will have to wear a mask and a face mask to cover my eyes. would he be good in a managerial role? Courts were not in session, so no justice was administered, and war could not be declared. 1996-2023 Jessica Adams Proprietary Limited. You have an allergy issue and it obviously bothers you. During your Saturn Return in Aquarius, youll grow to understand your role in your family dynamics. Curbs We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we back. ASC Saturn is in Aquarius as I publish this on December 17th 2022 and he will move into Pisces on March 8th 2023. You feel shut inside the marriage, or shut outside the marriage, unable to get in. And is it also in my solar 5th house as well? Wish you much love and success. The situation is best described by the sign. Itll stay there until March 7th, 2023, apart from a dip back into Capricorn from July 1st, 2020, to December 17th, 2020. Good one, too. You will feel a bump. Sometimes the issue is not a religion; it is something that functions like a faith. Anyway, this time around I hope to be in a stronger position should the religious slings and arrows be flung at LGBT folks, and ways of being, again. Saturn presents as being locked out, or locked in. He was bisexual, for what its worth, and also a terrifying opponent, as well as a psychic. I am sure this will help him very much. I would love your advice as my first saturn return was so bad that the consequences still effect family relationships today (although much diminished thankfully). I really hope it doesnt sleep through and you have time to answer it. Young men copied his hairstyle. It was a definite learning experience with a lot of growth, but also very painful at times and with a lot of hard lessons. Twenty-three people were killed on May 25, 1917, by a tornado that Inheritance. My mother has equated my sexuality to murderers and worse , several times over the years and never takes responsibility for what a dreadful thing that is to say. Such an informative and interesting article. Obstruction So March, July, bring a completely different era for you when you are no longer shut into a situation, or shut out of it. We need a forum ( read Fan club). I would also get the best advice you can afford about financial or property relationships tied to family or partners; ex-partners too. This three-year transit is already shaking up technology, society and community. Speak 1-on-1 with an astrology expert. He owes a relative, or is owed by a relative, from 18-19 years ago. NorthNode Im actually feeling good about this change as I can get a bit all at sea especially if I am feeling ungrounded so structure and routine could be really beneficial. You will also be delighted with your new title, appearance and reputation by May 2023 if you take the opportunities being offered to you, for a relaunch. Housewife. Thank you for the information about Saturn. Ask yourself what the allergy gets you out of, or what it encourages. Im glad your brother is better than he was in 2021 but understand you are still looking out for him. I have stelliums in Aquarius and Pisces. I like clear dates too. Elon Musk could make a bold move on Twitter to stop the chaos of anonymous Russian-paid users manufacturing trends. I feel all is well right now, however I am still curious about this somehow. Pluto can only go backwards so you can only replay some issues and they will have lost their power. Particularly in connection with foreign places and duet/duel relationships? More planets Sun Moon Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Her astrology books include Astrolove, Handbag Horoscopes and 2020 Vision (Penguin) and the #1 Amazon bestseller 2020 Astrology Your Five Year Horoscope Guide. The other classic piece of advice about Saturn: do not create a strategy or way of coping/dealing that is actually more difficult than the issue making you feel vulnerable. I have really valued the insights that you have given to me in the past so I was wondering if you could advise me now? You hope hell be gone eventually. You will have a new image, title and reputation by May if you try and it will be terrific for you. 2023 is an important year for this as Saturn goes into Pisces and begins the opposition. As little action as possible, please! Thank you Marls. So what did you do? You know better now. Long-term, the world of courtship, the bedroom, children (and other peoples children) is a way out. i have also ended a 4 year relationship with my partner back in December not sure if this related to this cycle but would be nice if you could give me some insight. thank you for this beautiful article. Your whole issue is Scorpio, which rules the Eighth House of family inheritance, wills and legacies. Find directions to Ninnescah, browse local businesses, landmarks, get current traffic estimates, road conditions, and Hello Jessica On a more personal note, Virgo is about your own self-care, your mind, body and spirit. I got married 6 Mo before my Saturn return. Saturn rules both Aquarius and Capricorn, and it will transit into Aquarius on Tuesday, January 17, 2023, at 05:04 pm. Youre making adult friends now. Your published comment will appear on the website and in search engine results. A good way to deal with Saturn is to clear the decks (Robert Hands advice) before he enters a house. People with Aquarius in their chart are given a great ability to envision ideas. The placement of Saturn in Aquarius is so favourable because Saturn is a planet of tangible manifestation while the sign of Aquarius is about new ideas and visions. She wants to visit this year, interstate, and I suspect its a farewell of sorts, which is fine except that for her, having had chemo and then travelling in a COVID rich environment is literally asking for it. A figure, organisation or experience redolent of Saturn may well appear in March. My husband and I seem to have finally reached a stage where we can respectfully coexist and mutually appreciate each other. He would like her to sell their flat which would make her virtually homeless My Saturn and Moon are in Virgo as is my Venus so Saturn in Pisces could show up some difficulties. I feel stuck, waiting and waiting. Your thoughts are very much appreciated. 18 Aquarius 26 Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn results in professional flux until 7th February when at last you, your husband and your colleagues and employers will know where you stand. 28 Libra 02 08 Thank you. When Saturn is in Aquarius Aquarian energy is humanitarian. It is full of boundless ideas about what will improve the lives of others, and how shared efforts can make the world a better place. As the 11th sign of the zodiac, Aquarius rules over the 11th House of Groups and Visions. Thresholds. One look at the tables and you can see that Saturn was also going from Aquarius to Pisces in 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994. I just need to know that I will leave on time and get out of the USA by the end of Feb. I include housework in that, as well as salaried work. Discover the key to your unique life path & personality, return of Saturn to its natal position in your birth chart. Exhale. Saturn stays in each zodiac sign for about two years. May 16: Jupiter enters Taurus. You are a Sun Aquarius, with stelliums in Capricorn, Aries, Taurus. Also when Saturn moves to 6 Pisces, it will also square my natal Saturn in Gemini is there something I should be careful about on those days? You can learn astrology at The Sun Sign School on this website with some brilliant tutors. Many thanks, Jessica your kind help is much appreciated as always. Juno If you are married, in a professional partnership or other duet (two platonic friends sharing a house qualifies) then this year and next year are all about examining the scales, balancing the scales, perhaps replacing the set of scales you use together to weight what is fair, and possibly looking at a legal aspect of a partnership with new eyes like a contract. Social Life. You are a Sun Sagittarius woman with stelliums in Sagittarius and Virgo, two mutable signs (the other two are Pisces and Gemini). What you do May 2023 to May 2024 re-establishes your relationship with the idea of serving others, or doing your duty, or perfecting your tasks. Daccord, you have Pisces and Virgo stelliums. March 2023 ends the questions about who or what is in control. Saturn in astrology educates through time. When we take this pattern apart, we find your Twelfth House, which rules religion, counselling, psychics, dreams, hypnosis, self-help and Tarot, is heavily involved. They all have free samples of their audio online. Many Thanks ! You may want to clear the decks, as Robert Hand advises, in February so you have less on your plate. Sagittarius, Taurus season has you finishing up Hi Jessica. Use 12 noon if there is no recorded birth time. Dear Jessica thank you as always. I am not sure why my questions/comments were deleted. Youll do some life gardening about where you come from, and from whom you come. Im really wanting some feedback with Saturn leaving my sign as things at the moment are just becoming more challenging. The next day, Jupiter in Taurus clashes with Pluto in Aquarius, stirring up intense feelings around your comfort and where you call home. My business also depends a-lot on word of mouth and connecting with people. Saturn entering Pisces, or being in Pisces 28-29 years ago, has nothing to do with that, however if you are asking about Yugoslavia now, the answer rests with the zodiac sign Cancer, ruling the Fourth House of home town and homeland in your chart. There may be more you can do, though, and really use that Saturn opposition, as well as the incoming nodal transit in Virgo-Pisces, to really address the mind, body and spirit balance. Saturn will arrive with a choice. How could that play out for me, given that my Jupiter in Virgo suggests (hopefully) a decent year ahead? This is especially easy to do if you use whole sign houses: just count however many signs from your rising sign to Aquarius to get the house number.